Pubblicazioni curate dal C.R.M.
Le partiture pubblicate dai nostri Maestri collaboratori, i saggi apparsi su Bonner Beethoven-Studien e altre pubblicazioni specializzate, gli articoli curati dai nostri coautori e collaboratori.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Unfinished Sonata in D major “Biamonti 213”, Unv 12, for Piano
(ISMN: 9790216210737)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Eight Variation on “Ich hab’ein kleines Hüttchen nur”, WoO Anhang, for Piano
(ISMN: 9790216200530)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondò, Anhang 6, for Piano
(ISMN: 9790216212984)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Trio in D major, Anhang 3, for Cello, Piano, Violin
(ISMN: 9790216216937)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Variazioni per pianoforte, Unv 14. Miscellanea Fischhof, autografo 28, folio 25 versus, 26 recto-versus (con un’introduzione di Emanuele Stracchi)
Catalogo Beethoven 2014: Leinen revidierte und wesentlich erweiterte Neuausgabe des Werkverzeichnisses von Georg Kinsky und Hans Halm, pag. 596 - Variationen in A-dur für Klavier.

Alexander Wheelock Thayer: neue Quellen zu Person und Werk
ISBN 978-3-88188-101-2 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 5 (2006), S. 7-69

Beethovens letzte Lebensstunden und das Schwarzspanierhaus: einige neue Erkenntnisse aus dem Nachlass von Alexander Wheelock Thayer
ISBN 978-3-88188-110-4 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 6 (2007), S. 7-32

Henry Edward Krehbiel and his Edition of Alexander W. Thayer’s Life of Beethoven
ISBN 978-3-88188-116-61-1 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 8 (2009), S. 7-34

Beethoven and the Art of Horology (The watches of Beethoven, Tobias Haslinger and Alexander W. Thayer Part 1: The watches belonging to Beethoven)
ISBN 978-3-88188-121-0 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 9 (2011), S. 7-34

Beethoven and the Art of Horology (Part 2: Addenda & Corigenda)
ISBN 978-3-88188-135-7 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 11 (2014), S. 165-183

Alexander Wheelock Thayer and the Beethoven-Haus Bonn. A Contribution to Thayer’s 200th Birthday, 2017
ISBN 978-3-88188-174-6 – Bonner Beethoven-Studien – 13 (2022)

Alexander Wheelock Thayer, the greatest biographer of Ludwig van Beethoven: a study in nineteenth-century American music criticism. Preface by Ernst Herttrich.
ISBN 978-0773414969 – The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011 – S.X, 515

A recently discovered portrait of Thayer, painted by Margarete Auguste Fritze
In: The Beethoven Journal & San José State University – 21 (2006), No. 2, S. 10-15

Tales from the Archives: A. W. Thayer – Beethoven‘s Biographer and Natick’s Famous Son
In: The Arrow. The Natick Historical Society – 29 (2007), No. 3, S. (1)+7

Vita: Alexander Wheelock Thayer. Brief life of Beethoven’s biographer: 1817-1897
In: Harvard Magazine – 109 (2007), No. 3, S. 34-35

Alexander Wheelock Thayer, biographe de Beethoven
In: Beethoven, la revue de l’ABF – Association Beethoven France et Francophonie – 11 (2009), S. 110-115

Alexander Wheelock Thayer
In: The Thayer Quarterly - 12 (2004), S. 3-7

La ricerca diventa Arte
ISBN 979-12-210-6422-3 1a Edizione, Giugno 2024