Hess 190 / 207 Varianti, versioni alternative ed escluse di canti popolari di diversi paesi

Hess 201 –  Dai 25 Canti popolari scozzesi, il n. 7.

Hess 201 –  Dai 25 Canti popolari scozzesi, il n. 7. Autografo: 29 V. La parte del violino si discosta da quella della versione pubblicata (op. 108 n. 7). [Mark Zimmer scrive: “Il pezzo consta in realtà di due versioni della parte del violino. La seconda versione è più simile a quella definitiva. Quando il canto fu incorporato nell’op. 108, Beethoven scrisse la parte degli archi definitiva inserendovi porzioni di entrambe le due prime versioni“. Cfr. C/F, p. 29-30.]

(Da Green – Hess)

“Bonnie Laddie, Highland Laddie, Two alternate versions of violin voice of op. 108 nr. 7, Hess 201 (1816-1818). This Scottish folksong has several alternative versions of the violin voice. The original version of the violin voice, presented here as the first version is a very active participant, with constanting rippling arpeggios throughout. The second version is more similar to the final version, in that the violin in substantial part doubles the voice, but adds little filigrees at the end of each phrase that give a delightful variation to the piece. George Thomson, upon receipt of the first version, wrote Beethoven and asked him to provide an easier string part. Beethoven complied with the second version. However, Thomson found it unusable because of the awkward double-stopping and published his own simplification. When the song was collected as part of Op. 108, Beethoven wrote the final string part, incorporating parts of both of these versions”.

(Da www.unheardbeethoven.org)

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